How to Stop Birds from Pooping on Your Patio (10 Ways)

Birds are cheery morning animals, whistling and singing to start the day, but when they go about doing their business on your patio furniture, it’s hard to appreciate their presence around your home. Here’s 10 effective ways to stop birds from pooping on your patio.

  1. Remove attractive objects
  2. Add white flags and wind chimes
  3. Lure them elsewhere
  4. Install a faux predator
  5. Use an ultrasonic repellant
  6. Install mirrors
  7. Keep the area tidy
  8. Install motion-activated sprinklers
  9. Try bird spikes
  10. Use bird gel

There are lots of effective and inexpensive ways to keep birds off your property. The rest of this article will walk you through each of these options to help you stop birds from pooping on your patio.

Remove Attractive Objects

Many things could be attracting birds to your area. If you previously enjoyed watching birds in your bird bath or at a bird feeder, then it’s worth removing those bird-friendly amenities from your property for the time being to disincentivize the birds from visiting.

Add White Flags and Wind Chimes

Birds are attracted to a whole range of pretty colors, but one color most birds aren’t so sure about is white. Of course, you don’t want to go painting your entire patio white just to ward off the birds, but you can hang around some white flags and pinwheels to discourage them from landing on your patio.

Additionally, birds are annoyed by the unfamiliar sound of wind chimes, so adding a few is a way to add a musical touch to your patio while also frightening away birds.

Lure Them Elsewhere

If you have a large property and would still like to see the birds every now and again (just not pooping on your patio), then consider using a bird feeder, bird bath, or other bird amenities elsewhere on your property. If you have a large backyard, utilize the space to set up a more preferable bird haven.

Shifting their focus might be just what you need to get some peace and quiet on your patio. Just be aware that it can take some time for the birds to refocus their attention, so it’s prudent to combine this lure method with something to discourage them from staying on the patio.

Install a Faux Predator

Not only do decoy owls look great with most houses, but they also serve a valuable purpose—birds don’t want to be anywhere near them. Installing a few owl decoys around your property (and your patio specifically) is a great way to get birds to stop hanging around, and therefore pooping, on your patio.

If the birds are hanging around your pool a lot, you could also use an inflatable alligator or snake. Silly as they may look to us, these inflatables pose a threat to birds—at least from their perspective.

Use an Ultrasonic Repellant

Don’t worry! Ultrasonic repellants don’t hurt birds; rather, they make hanging around unpleasant such that they want to vacate your premises. Keep in mind that using an ultrasonic repellant is akin to a Go Away sign in your yard.

The birds won’t want to come back, so if you want the birds to stay off your patio for good, then this might be the answer you need.

Install Mirrors

Birds aren’t self-aware, so when they see themselves in the mirror, they see another unfamiliar bird. A lot of birds don’t want to hang around with other birds that they aren’t familiar with, so this method is best used in areas where birds perch a lot.

It’s also worth noting that most species of birds aren’t fond of bright, reflective objects, so there’s another incentive for the birds to leave, at least on bright and sunny days.

Keep the Area Tidy

Birds are drawn to areas with lots of shade and shrubbery for one simple reason—more ground cover means more chances of finding bugs and grubs. Having a yard filled with leaves is an open invitation for bugs to hide there, a fact birds know all too well.

Lots of debris like sticks, moss, and leaves from trees also make ideal nest materials. With a food-rich and material-dense environment to call home, birds are much more likely to perch around a property that’s more overgrown.

As such, for you, patio defender extraordinaire, keeping your patio, yard, and the outside of your home clean is an important step in keeping birds away from your patio.

Install Motion-Activated Sprinklers

Motion-activated sprinklers are a good way to discourage birds from hanging around long enough to poop on your patio furniture. The bird settles down, gets sprayed, and then flies away.

Of course, the birds are going to find a similar spot to perch, but as long as you’ve got your patio trip wired with sprinklers, this solution is ideal for warding away birds.

Try Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are a great option for keeping birds off common areas where they perch and eventually poop on your patio. Don’t worry. It isn’t cruel; the birds can see the spikes and aren’t going to land on them. It simply removes a place for them to sit and drop their unwanted bombs on your outdoor patio furniture.

Use Bird Gel

Bird gel is in a similar vein to bird spikes, but it has less of an impact on your patio’s look. It works by making the surface the birds would otherwise land on too slippery for use, preventing birds from landing and defecating on your patio.


Why Do Birds Keep Pooping on My Patio?

Birds will poop on your patio more if your property has a lot of overgrown shrubs and trees, or if you have a bird bath or bird feeder.

Is It Safe to Have Bird Droppings on Your Patio?

Bird droppings pose a health hazard, carrying transmittable diseases and fungi. Additionally, the presence of bird droppings can encourage fleas and mites in your yard. Club soda or a specialized bird-poop removal solution can easily clean up bird droppings.

Final Thoughts

Getting birds to stop pooping on your patio doesn’t have to be done cruelly, and you can certainly discourage birds from staying around your patio while still having them around every once in a while if you want.

Hopefully, the next time you step out onto your patio with a refreshing drink to enjoy the cool afternoon, you won’t have to be waving away birds to stop them pooping on your patio.

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How to Stop Birds from Pooping on Your Patio (10 Ways)
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