Can You Use Carpet Stain Remover On Clothes? (What You Should Know)

You may have stains on your shirt and the only solution you may have is a carpet cleaner that’s been lying around for months. The question is, will it work? In this blog post, we will go over whether you can use carpet cleaner on your clothes and the pros and cons of doing so.

Answer To The Question Can You Use Carpet Stain Remover On Clothes:

If a carpet stain remover is your only option, it actually may work. After researching this topic, many have had success using carpet cleaner on their clothes. Specifically, Resolve. Many people within the reviews of this product said they have used it on their clothes with success.

That being said, you should use this method as a last resort. If you have the opportunity to use something else, go for it. The reason being is that a carpet cleaner is meant for carpets and not clothes. The chemicals in a carpet cleaner may be too harsh for your clothing and damage it.

What you should do if you plan on using carpet stain remover to clean the stains on your shirt:

Test it on a shirt you don’t care about

By testing it on a shirt you don’t care about, you can see how the chemicals in the carpet cleaner will affect your clothing. If it damages the shirt, then you know it’s not worth using on your other clothes.

Dilute it with water

If you are going to use a carpet cleaner on your clothes, make sure to dilute it with water first. This will help to make the chemicals less harsh and prevent your clothes from being damaged.

Apply it to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes

After you have diluted the carpet cleaner, apply it to the stain on your shirt. Let it sit for a few minutes before you start scrubbing at the stain.

Run the article of clothing through the wash before wearing it again

The last thing you want to do is wear a shirt that has carpet cleaner on it. Be sure to run it through the wash before you wear it again. This will help to remove any lingering chemicals and make sure the stain is gone. Don’t take the risk of having a reaction to the chemicals or damaging your clothing.

What Are Some Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Clothes Stains?

A carpet cleaner is an option, but not the only option. Below we’ll go over some natural ways that you can get rid of clothes stains.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Spraying or pouring a little bit of peroxide mixed with water can do the trick. Pour the peroxide on and let it sit for a little bit. After letting it sit all you have to do is take a washcloth and rub the stain until it’s gone.

Vinegar and Baking Soda

Vinegar and baking soda are powerful combinations when it comes to cleaning. All you have to do is pour a little vinegar on top of the stain, then follow that up with baking soda. The two will work together to draw the stain out of the clothing. Let it sit for a little bit and then wash it as you normally would.

Lemon Juice and Salt

Lemons are great for cleaning and the acidity can help to lift stains. All you have to do is mix lemon juice and salt and rub it on the stain. Letting the shirt or clothing sit in the sun can also help to lift the stain in combination with the lemon and salt.

Club Soda

The carbonation of club soda can help to lift a stain out of clothing. Just pour it on the stain and let it sit for a little bit. The fizzing of the soda will help to loosen the stain and make it easier to come out in the wash or with a washcloth.

Specific Types Of Stain And What Method Is Best To Remove Them

Now that we’ve gone over some general ways to get rid of stains, below we’ll go over some specific types of stains and the best method to remove them.

Blood Stains: Hydrogen Peroxide

When it comes to blood stains, hydrogen peroxide is the best option to use. The reason being is that hydrogen peroxide will help to break down the blood and make it easier to remove. Simply pour it on the stain and then use a washcloth to scrub at it. The stain should start to come out with ease.

Wine Stains: Club Soda

As stated above the fizzing of the carbonated water can help to lift the wine stain out of clothing. Just pour it on, let it sit for a little bit, and then scrub at the stain with a washcloth. The stain should start to come out. If it doesn’t come out fully after the first try, you can always repeat the process.

Coffee Stains: Laundry Detergent

Coffee stains can be stubborn, but using laundry detergent can help to break them down. Just pour a little bit of laundry detergent on and rub it in. Let it sit for a little bit and then wash the clothing as you normally would. The stain should come out in the wash.

Grease Stains: Liquid Dish Soap

Grease stains can be difficult to remove, but using liquid dish soap can help. The dish soap will help to break down the grease and make it easier to come out in the wash.

Bleach Stains: Nothing

Unfortunately, there is no way to remove a bleach stain. The best thing you can do is try to cover it up with another piece of clothing or use a marker that is the same color as the clothing to color over the stain.

The reason why it’s not possible is that it’s not a stain. It’s the bleach completely removing the color from the clothing.

When All Else Fails, What Should You Do?

If you’ve tried all of the methods above and the stain still won’t come out, then your best bet is to take it to a professional. They will have industrial strength cleaners that can help to remove the stain.

Prevention Is The Best Method

The best way to deal with stains is to prevent them from happening in the first place.

Wear an apron when cooking or working with anything that could potentially stain your clothing.

Be careful when drinking anything that could potentially stain. If you’re worried about spilling, then use a straw.

If you’re working with something that could potentially get on your clothing, then put a trash bag over your clothing.


While you can use carpet cleaner on your clothes, it’s not the best option. The chemicals in the carpet cleaner can be harsh and damage your clothing. If you’re going to use this method, make sure to test it on a piece of clothing you don’t care about first, and dilute the carpet cleaner with water. It’s also important to run the clothing item through the wash before wearing it again.

There are also several natural ways that you can get rid of clothes stains. Hydrogen peroxide, vinegar and baking soda, lemon juice, salt, or club soda can all help to lift a stain out of clothing. Whichever method you choose, make sure to let the stain soak for a little bit before washing it as normal.

We hope this blog post helped you to understand the best way to remove stains from your clothing. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. If you have your way to remove different types of stains, leave them down in the comments.

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Last but not least take a look at our other most recent blog posts below:

Can You Use Carpet Stain Remover On Clothes? (What You Should Know)
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