Complete Guide: Can a Carpet Cleaner Be Used As a Vacuum?

If you have a mess on the floor and you’re unable to use a vacuum, you may be wondering if you can use a carpet cleaner in place of one. This question is more common than you think.

In this blog post, we will go over whether or not it is safe to use a carpet cleaner as a vacuum.

Answer To The Question Can a Carpet Cleaner Be Used As a Vacuum:

Although carpet cleaners do have a suction feature. This isn’t meant to be for dry cleaning your carpets. Carpet cleaners are made to first wet the carpet and then suction up the water along with the dirt and stains.

Also, if you look at the directions of most carpet cleaners, it recommends that you vacuum using a regular vacuum first and then follow up with the carpet cleaner.

When can you use a carpet cleaner on a carpet?

You can use a carpet cleaner the way it’s meant to be used. This means wetting the carpet, applying the cleaning solution, and running the machine over the carpet.

You should then let the carpet dry completely before walking on it or placing any furniture back on it.

Another way you can use it is if you have a wet stain on the carpet and you want to suck it up. You can do this by placing the carpet cleaner over the stain and turning it on. The suction will help to remove the liquid from the carpet.

What Will Happen If You Use a Carpet Cleaner As a Vacuum?

There are a few drawbacks to using a carpet cleaner in place of a vacuum. First, it will not have the same suction power as a vacuum. This means that it won’t be able to remove all the dirt, dust, and debris from your carpets.

Second, you run the risk of damaging your carpet cleaner and in turn, will have no vacuum or carpet cleaner.

Can You Use a Carpet Steamer As a Vacuum?

The same answer goes for a carpet steamer. A carpet steamer is not meant to be used as a vacuum. Although it does have a suction feature, it is not made to dry vacuum your carpets. Carpet steamers are made to wet the carpet and then suction up the water along with the dirt and stains.

Do you need to vacuum after steam cleaning/Using a Carpet Cleaner?

You should vacuum beforehand. This will help to remove any loose dirt or debris on the surface of the carpet. After you vacuum, you can then proceed with using your carpet cleaner or steamer.

What Are Some Ways To Clean Your Carpet Without a Vacuum?

Now that we know you’re not able to use a carpet cleaner or steamer as a vacuum, what are some ways you can clean your carpet without one?

Broom and Dustpan

This can work on the surface of the carpet. Although it won’t get rid of everything, it will at least remove any visible dirt or debris.

Wet Rag

This method is good for spot cleaning or cleaning the surface of your carpet.

You’ll be surprised how much dirt and grime a wet rag can remove from your carpet.

Clean Area Rugs and Doormats Regularly

Area rugs and doormats are meant to be placed over the carpet to protect it from dirt, dust, and debris. If you don’t clean these things regularly enough, they will eventually become full of dirt and will no longer be doing their job.

Soapy Water And a Brush

Another way you can clean your carpet without a vacuum is by using hot water and a brush. This method is good for spot cleaning or general cleaning of the surface of the carpet.

The reason you don’t want to just use soapy water is that if you don’t get all of the soap out of the carpet, it will dry and make the dirt and all other stuff more prone to sticking to the carpet.

Carpet Cleaning Service

If you don’t have a vacuum and your carpets need a good cleaning, you can always hire a professional carpet cleaning service.

They will have the proper equipment to get your carpets looking and smelling like new again.

What Are Some Ways To Avoid Dirt On Your Carpet In The First Place?

The best way to clean your carpet is to prevent dirt and debris from getting on it in the first place. Here are a few tips:

Remove Your Shoes

When you come into your home, take off your shoes. This will help to keep the dirt and grime from being tracked onto your carpets.

Encourage Your Family and Guests To Remove Their Shoes

not only is it important for you to take off your shoes, but if you have family or friends over, encourage them to remove their shoes before coming in. You can even place a sign by the door asking them to remove their shoes.

Place Doormats At the Door

Doormats are great for trapping dirt and debris before it has a chance to be tracked into your home. Place them at all the entrances to your home.

Carpet Protectors

If you have high-traffic areas in your home, you can place carpet protectors over those areas. Carpet protectors are like doormats but they’re bigger and they cover more of the surface area.

Buy an Automatic Vacuum

Automatic vacuums are life savers. They help to keep your carpets clean by vacuuming them regularly. You can even set them to come on at certain times of the day or week.


You should not use a carpet cleaner as a vacuum. Although it may seem like a good idea, it can damage your carpet in the long run and can also break your carpet cleaner.

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Complete Guide: Can a Carpet Cleaner Be Used As a Vacuum?
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