Why Can’t I Drill Into My Ceiling? (What You Should Know)

There are many reasons why it can be tough to drill into a ceiling. In most cases, it is probably because you are using the wrong drill bit. In other cases, there may be something preventing you from drilling into that wall e.g. a metal plate, or a stud. 

On this page, we are going to go through a few of the reasons why you may be encountering a bit of resistance when you are attempting to drill into the ceiling. Most of the issues should be easy to fix.

So Can You Drill Into Your Ceiling?

There are several reasons why you may not be able to drill into your ceiling. We will run through the most common. Most of these should be pretty easy to deal with, although some may require you to purchase some extra equipment.  

You Are Using The Wrong Drill Bit

Perhaps the main reason why you are struggling to drill into the ceiling is that you are using the wrong drill bit. 

If your ceiling has masonry in it, then you need to purchase a drill bit designed for masonry.

If you are drilling through wood, plaster, or metal, then an HSS drill bit will be fine. However, for wood, we recommend that you buy a proper wood drill bit. They aren’t too expensive, and it will make your drilling job a lot easier.

Your Drill Is Set To Reverse

Yep. Mistakes happen to the best of us. If your drill is set to reverse, you won’t be able to drill into the ceiling. The drill bit will just ‘bounce’ off. Most modern drills will have a switch on the handle. Flicking that switch will turn the drill from reverse to forward (and vise versa)

You Have The Wrong Type Of Drill

If you are drilling into soft masonry, then your drill needs to have a hammer action on it. This, essentially, ‘hammers’ the drill bit slightly when you are drilling. Without it, the drill won’t get through the masonry.

If your ceiling has concrete in it or some other hard stone, then you may need to use an SDS drill. An SDS drill has a much more ‘intense’ hammer action, allowing that drill to cut through the material with ease. 

There Is a Metal Plate Preventing You From Drilling Into The Ceiling 

In some parts of your ceiling, you may notice that there are metal plates. The intention of these plates is to prevent drilling. in most cases, there will be wires hidden behind the plate. If you keep drilling, then you could be ‘enjoying’ a rather nasty shock. 

You will know if you have bumped into a metal plate. You may be able to drill slightly into the ceiling, but then you hear a ‘clink’ sound. Stop drilling at that point. 

There Is Masonry In The Way

If you have drilled a decent way into your ceiling and then the drill stops and you hear a grinding sound, then you may have bumped into some stone.

Nowadays, it is rare that there will be masonry in the ceiling cavity. However, older properties are notorious for it. If you have bumped into masonry, then you may need to swap out the drill bit, or even use a completely new drill (depending on what type of material the masonry is)

How Thick Is a Plasterboard Ceiling?

A lot of people drill their ceilings far deeper than they have to. If you have a plasterboard ceiling that you want to hang something from, then the plasterboard is going to a maximum of 1″ thick. You don’t need to drill in any deeper than this. It is pointless. 

Do Ceilings Have Studs?

Yes. Most ceilings should have studs. Depending on what you are planning on doing, you will either want to drill into these studs or completely avoid them.

The studs are important for the stability of your ceiling. They are basically ceiling joists. 

Finding studs isn’t too difficult. You can purchase a cheap tool known as a ‘stud finder’. You run it across the ceiling, and if it finds a stud, it will beep.

Depending on the construction of your ceiling, you are likely to find these studs about 16-inches apart. Some ceilings may have them closer together, while others will space them further apart. 

Can You Screw Directly Into a Plasterboard Ceiling?

You can, although it isn’t recommended. Although, some people attempt it instead of using a drill bit.

If you screw directly into a plasterboard ceiling, then there isn’t anything to ‘grip’ the screw. This means that if you tried to attach anything to that screw, it would just fall down.

If you are going to be putting screws into a plasterboard ceiling, then you will need to purchase special plasterboard plugs. These are similar to the type of plugs that you put in a wall (i.e. the things that you put your screws into). However, they will have special ‘wings’ that will grip the inside of the plasterboard, holding the screw securely into place.

Because you need to use these plugs, you need to make sure that you have the right size hole in your ceiling. The only way to do this is to ensure that you use a drill. Thankfully, drilling into plasterboard shouldn’t be too tough, and you won’t need to drill in too far to get the plug in there. Not that plasterboard is going to be thick anyway. 

Final Thoughts

If you can’t drill into your ceiling, then it is likely that you are using the wrong drill bit. It is important that you only ever use a drill bit designed for the ceiling material. For example, if you have a masonry ceiling, then you need to ensure that you use a masonry drill bit. If you have a plasterboard ceiling, then a wood drill bit or an HSS drill bit is required. 

If you still have issues drilling into your ceiling, then it may be time to call in a professional. 

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Why Can’t I Drill Into My Ceiling? (What You Should Know)
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