What Can You Do with Old Deck Boards? (Everything You Need To Know)

Replacing your old, worn-out deck can be overwhelming, time-consuming, and messy. Luckily, one thing you won’t have to worry about is figuring out what to do with the deck boards that are no longer needed because we are going to give you tons of great ideas. 

If you are preparing to update your porch and trying to decide at to do with a large amount of wood that will surely be left behind, take a look at this article where we will be discussing:

10 Things You Can do With Your Old Deck Boards?

There is never a good reason to let perfectly (well, decent) good wood go to waste. Here are ten different ways you can use your old deck board instead of tossing them out.

1. Make a Planter Box

Use your old wooden deck boards to make a raised garden or a DIY garden box. Make a durable, natural planter that you can place on your back patio or in your yard to grow your own healthy, luscious plants without digging holes on your property or risking animal infiltration.

2. Craft Your Own Picnic Table

Most decks use long thick wooden beams. This type of material is perfect for creating a sturdy picnic table and can be painted or stained to match the new deck you just put in. 

3. Use it as Indoor Trim

With a little sanding and paint, you can use these boards to make some interesting rustic trim to go inside your home. By the time to take the old deck off, the wood should be easy to manage and will absorb stain and color really well.

4. DIY shelving Units

Grab your tool belt and some of the old deck boards and customize your own set of shelves. Make these units for the kit hen, living room, bathroom, or anywhere else, and never spend a dime. 

5. Sell It

The cost of lumber is consistently on the rise, making your old deck boards quite the profitable pile of materials. If you decide to sell your old deck, keep in mind, you want to price it to move, and they aren’t new items, which means you are not going to get anywhere near the going rate today.

6. Donate It

You can donate your old deck boards just as easily as you can sell them, and there are many organizations and causes that can benefit from your old wood. This is also a great way to get the boards out of your yard without much effort or labor.

7. Turn it into a Walkway

Take the old boards and cut them into even, wide slabs, then lay them evenly on the ground to make a creative walkway that will keep you from stepping in the mud on the way into your house. You can take this idea a step further and stain the wooden plank’s different colors to make it even more interesting.

8. Rustic Wooden Frames

If you are handy with a saw, get it out and start trimming your older deck boards down to a manageable size, then glue the pieces together, paint the wood, and slide in a piece of glass to make a beautiful old fashion wooden frame. 

9. A Wooden Accent Wall

You can use the thicker boards to make an interesting accent wall for any room in your house. The farmhouse decor theme has become very popular over the years, and this is a great way to makeover your home and reuse boards that no longer had a purpose.

10. Upgrade Your Counter Top

A great addition to any kitchen is adding a repurposed deck board to your counter space. With a bit of sanding, some wood filler, wood glue, and stain, your counters will look good as new and totally jaw-dropping.

Tips for Repurposing Your Old Deck Boards

Repurposing your old deck boards can be fun when done right. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when working with your old used materials.

Be Cautious of Chemicals

Be careful when repurposing your old deck boards. There are different materials often used to build these spaces. Also, much of the wood is treated, which means they have a large number of chemicals inside.

While it is safe to re-use the majority of the wood options, always use proper safety gear when working within, including safety goggles, masks, and gloves.

You should also second guess the idea of simply burning this old used wood. Again, the chemicals inside are toxic, and burning it will only release those toxins into the air, making it easy for everyone around to breathe in.

Double Check Before Putting it Out in the Trash

Check with the municipality you live in to make sure the garbage pick-up will take the old wood. It’s important to do before you spend time dragging it all out to the road.

While some places still don’t mind disposing of these items for you, many are now banning old wood and construction materials from getting picked up by the local garbage collectors.

Depending on the type of wood you have, you might be instructed to take your deck boards to the landfill and have them placed in the hazardous materials section due to the chemical components. 

Remove Nails and Screws as You Go

Take the time to remove the nails and screws from the boards as you work. This is going to save you a lot of time later on down the road, plus it will keep you and others safe from potential injuries due to improper disposal and care.

You will also want to wear your protective gear at this time as well to keep your own injuries down as much as possible.


When taking your old wooden deck apart, start thinking about what each piece could be used for and what great ways this material can be upcycled, keeping it out of our landfills and giving it a new purpose in life. 

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What Can You Do with Old Deck Boards? (Everything You Need To Know)
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