Should You Vacuum After a Carpet Cleaning? (Everything You Need To Know)

Carpets are a lot of work. Not only do you have to vacuum them regularly, but you also have to clean them every so often to keep them looking their best. One common question that comes up is whether or not you should vacuum after a carpet cleaning.

In this blog post, we’ll answer that question and give you some tips on how to keep your carpets clean.

Answer To The Question Should you Vacuum After a Carpet Cleaning:

It’s well known that you should vacuum before a carpet cleaning to remove dirt particles, dust, and other debris. But what about after a carpet cleaning? Should you vacuum again? The answer is yes!

The reason is that although most carpet cleaning companies get your carpets clean, there is always a small amount of residue that is left behind. This residue can attract dirt and dust, and if you don’t vacuum it up, your carpets will get dirty again very quickly. Leaving residue on your carpet can result in the carpet being dirtier than it was before you had it cleaned!

What Should You Make Sure Of Before You Vacuum After a Carpet Cleaning?

The main thing you want to ensure is that the carpet is completely dry before you vacuum. If you vacuum a wet carpet, you won’t be doing much when it comes to getting rid of the extra dirt or residue left behind – in fact, you might even make things worse.

So, give your carpet plenty of time to dry before you vacuum. Once it’s dry, you can go ahead and vacuum away.

What Can Happen If You Use a Vacuum On a Carpet That is Still Wet?

The first thing that can happen is it can result in a broken vacuum. This is because vacuuming a wet carpet can cause the vacuum to overheat and break. More seriously, it can cause a fire or even electrically shock you.

If you want to suck up additional water after a carpet cleaning, it’s best to use a wet/dry vacuum. These are specially designed to handle wet materials and won’t overheat or break as a regular vacuum would.

What Is The Best Way To Prepare Your Carpet For Cleaning?

Vacuum Thoroughly

As stated above the best way to prepare your carpet for cleaning is to vacuum it thoroughly. This will remove any dirt, dust, or debris that might be on the surface of the carpet. Once you’ve done this, you can proceed with the cleaning process.

Remove Furniture

Some furniture companies remove furniture for you with an added cost, and some ask that you do it yourself. If it’s the latter, be sure to remove all furniture from the room before the cleaners arrive.

Clear Everything

Many people just focus on the big furniture, but the little stuff gets in the way the most. In fact, many furniture companies can clean around the big furniture, but the little stuff needs to be moved. So clear off bookshelves, nightstands, coffee tables, and anything else in the room that might get in the way of the cleaners.

Have Your Driveway Ready

If you have a long driveway, the cleaners will need to use it to get their equipment into the house. So make sure it’s free of any obstacles that might get in its way. That includes your car!

Make Sure Your Pets Are Out Of The Way

This one is self-explanatory. Pets can be a distraction to the cleaners, and they might even get in the way. So it’s best to keep them in another room or outside while the cleaners are working.

What To Do After Your Carpet Cleaning Other Than Vacuuming

There are other things you can do to keep your carpets clean after a professional cleaning. Here are a few tips:

Use doormats

Placing doormats at all entrances to your home will help to reduce the amount of dirt and debris that gets tracked in.

Air The Room Out

After a carpet cleaning, it’s always a good idea to air out the room.

Put New Rules In Place For the Future

Little things like not allowing people to wear shoes in the house or using mats at all entrances can help keep your carpets clean for longer periods.

Enforce the No Food and Drink Rule

Eating and drinking in carpeted areas should always be avoided. But if you have to allow it, make sure that there are strict rules in place about spills and clean-up.

Other Post Carpet Cleaning Questions

Now that you have the answer to should you vacuum after a carpet cleaning, you might have some other questions. Let’s go over a few of them below:

Why does my carpet smell worse after cleaning?

This usually means that the carpet has not been dried properly, and mold or mildew may be growing. If you notice a musty smell, it’s best to call the carpet cleaning company and have them come out and take a look.

How can I dry my carpet faster after cleaning?

A dehumidifier or fan can help speed up the drying process. You can also open all the windows and doors to let in the fresh air.

How long after carpet cleaning can I put the furniture back?

It usually takes 10-12 hours for your carpet to be completely dry, but it can’t hurt to wait a bit longer just to be safe.


In conclusion, you should always vacuum after a carpet cleaning. This helps to remove any residue that may have been left behind and will keep your carpets cleaner for longer. Just make sure that the carpet is completely dry before you start vacuuming!

If you found this blog post helpful, be sure to check out our other blog posts on all things carpet cleaning!

Take a look at our other most recent blog posts:

Should You Vacuum After a Carpet Cleaning? (Everything You Need To Know)
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