What is The Standard Height For A Garage Ceiling? (Explained)

If you’re in the middle of a construction or home renovation you may be curious on how tall the ceiling of your garage needs to be. We all know that garages come in many different widths depending on how many cars you want to fit inside, however oftentimes the height of garages remain fairly standard across the board. 

The standard height of a garage door is around 8 feet, however it can vary between 7 – 10 feet depending on a few different factors, including the age of your home and size of your garage door. 

In this article we will discuss the standard height for garage ceilings, the headroom needed for a garage door opener track, and the average sizes of different types of cars. 

Is There A Required Height For Garages Set By Building Codes? 

While some aspects of the home construction process are governed by building codes, the height of your garage is generally not one of them. The one instance you may have to abide by a set standard is if you are building a new construction home in a subdivision governed by a homeowners association. 

If this is your scenario there may be height standards enforced for garage height, particularly for detached garages

However, for specific guidance in your area you may need to check with your local municipality. 

What Is The Standard Height For A Garage?

The standard height for a garage ceiling is generally 8 feet. However, some garages, especially in older homes, will have a height of 7 feet. This is the minimum height recommended for garages. 

The 8 feet is a good size as it accommodates the standard 7 foot tall garage door. Most regular vehicles will fit through a 7 foot high garage door, however some largo cargo vans or other speciality vehicles may not. 

So, why does the size of the garage door and the height of the garage matter so much? 

To understand this we need to understand the concept of “headroom.”

What Is Headroom? 

If you have a garage door in your garage you need to have a garage door opener. This is one of the most critical measurements you need and it ties into how tall your garage ceiling actually needs to be. This measurement is referred to as headroom. 

Using a basic definition, headroom is the space between the ceiling of your garage and the top of your garage door. If you don’t have the correct amount of space here your opener won’t work. 

A standard automatic garage door opener requires at least 12 inches of overhead clearance. 

So again, we return back to the fact a 7 foot garage door would need at least an 8 foot high garage ceiling, an 8 foot garage door would need at least 9 feet high, etc. 

But, if we are strictly speaking standard height and not going into custom built garages, an 8 foot high ceiling is generally the minimum standard followed. This amount of headroom will allow most standard size doors to move along the entirety of the track when opening or closing without hitting the ceiling. 

What Are Torsion Springs? 

Another important thing to understand about headroom space is the function of torsion springs. These are the springs that help your garage door open easily, despite how heavy it is. The headroom space of 12 inches needs to be enough space for the door itself and the torsion springs. 

Torsion springs are mounted on the bar above the garage door and help pull the door up and down using tension. These require an absolute minimum of 12 inches of clearance or they won’t work correctly, which can pose a hazard to the users of the garage. 

Torsion springs are the top choice for garage door installers within the industry due to their increased safety. There are options for low-headroom garages as well, however these are the industry standards for typical garage heights. 

What Are Low Headroom Options? 

If your garage is simply not tall enough to lose 12 inches and still have the garage door the size you need you may want to look into a double-track system. This works similarly to the standard system for standard garages, however the torsion springs only need 9.5 inches of headroom to function properly. 

It may be possible to work with only 5 inches of headroom in a tight situation, but this is much more difficult.  

Which Cars Fit In An 8 Foot High Ceiling? 

If you’re worried your newest truck won’t fit inside your garage, we are here to ease some of your qualms. Almost any car you purchase will be able to fit inside your garage door, for instance: 

  • Standard compact cars are 5-6 feet tall, 
  • Standard four-door cars and luxury cars are 4.5-5 feet tall, and 
  • SUVs, trucks, and vans are 5-6 feet tall. 

So, unless you’re planning to purchase a vehicle that exceeds these standard measurements, the 8 foot high ceiling will likely work just fine for your parking needs. 

Final Thoughts: The Standard Height For A Garage Ceiling Is 8 Feet

Although the standard height for a garage ceiling is 8 feet, you can always choose to have a larger garage constructed depending on your specific needs. There really isn’t any limit to how tall your garage ceiling can be if you are investing in a custom built home, but when looking at the average home, they generally aren’t too much taller. 

These 8 feet will encompass the space needed for a standard 7 foot high garage door and the headroom required for the garage door track to operate correctly. Understanding the average heights of a garage is always important when you’re planning a home renovation or home contraction. 

However, if you are simply replacing your current garage door and opener, it is still best to measure your garage and not rely on standards. This is especially true if you live in an older home. 

If you found this helpful. Please share it with your friends and family on social media so they can learn about garage doors too! Thanks for reading!

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What is The Standard Height For A Garage Ceiling? (Explained)
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