How Much Ceiling Sag Is Acceptable?

Noticed a bit of sag in your ceiling? Wondering if it is a problem that you need to be dealing with sooner as opposed to later? Well, yes. Ceiling sag is a cause for concern. 

So, how much ceiling sag is acceptable? The answer is ‘none’. A good ceiling should be completely flat. If you notice any sagging in the ceiling, then it indicates structural damage. If this problem is not dealt with, then you could end up with a rather expensive repair bill. 

Is a Ceiling Sag Ever Acceptable?

No amount of ceiling sag is acceptable.

If your ceiling is sagging, then it means that you have structural damage in your home. The ceiling is effectively bending, and it can only bend so much before it gives way.

Now, don’t get us wrong. You may be able to get away with a small amount of ceiling sag. At least for a short while. However, that ceiling sag isn’t going to disappear. It isn’t a problem that will fix itself, and it will get worse. Therefore, it is vital that you get an expert to look at the ceiling as soon as possible! 

What Are The Signs Of a Sagging Ceiling?

You may not notice the ceiling is bending. At least, we hope not. If you notice an actual bend in the ceiling, then the problem is far, far worse than you may think.

Chances are that your first sign of a sagging ceiling will be cracks around the sides, close to the wall. These may be small cracks, to begin with, but they will eventually open up a little bit.

Do note that if you have cracks in the ceiling, plastering over them will not help. That is not actually stopping the sag. It is just covering up one of the symptoms. The plaster will crack again. 

What Can Cause a Ceiling To Sag?

There are a few reasons why a ceiling may start to sag. 

Too Much Weight On The Ceiling

Most modern ceilings should be built to handle quite a bit of weight. Far more than you would normally even think about storing. However, if you have an older property, then it may not be able to deal with heavy furniture, exercise machinery, etc.

In many cases, moving the excessive downstairs will stop the sagging in its tracks. However, you will need to get a professional to fix the problem as soon as possible. 

Age of Property

If a property is not properly maintained, then the ceiling can start to sag. The beams may start to fall apart, or the plasterboard may just be old. In some cases, structural damage to the property may also result in that ceiling sagging. 

Excessive Water Damage In The Ceiling Cavity

If water is able to get into the ceiling cavity, then this can cause the ceiling to sag. This often happens if there is a roof leak, or if the gutters have not been cleaned in a while.

Luckily, this is a problem that can easily be fixed, assuming the water hasn’t damaged the beams in the ceiling. Once the water issue has been dealt with, the ceiling can be replastered. 

Pests In The Ceiling Cavity

Termites in the ceiling cavity can cause sagging. There have even been reports of people getting mice, rats, and even snakes in the ceiling cavity. These can all put pressure on the ceiling.

In fact, any sort of weight inside the ceiling cavity could cause sagging. For example, wires may come loose. The wires in a ceiling cavity can often be quite large, and they will press down on the plasterboard, causing it to sag. 

Damage To Building Structure

We cannot stress enough how rare this is. However, structural issues with the building can result in ceiling sag. For example, support beams may expand, and the walls may even move slightly. There doesn’t have to be much movement for there to be ceiling sag. 

If there is damage to the building structure, then dealing with the ceiling sag is the least of your worries. Structural damage to a property can be pretty difficult to fix. However, once again, we want to point out that this is rarely the case. 


If you live by a busy road, or perhaps there is a lot of heavy machinery being operated in the local area, then there is a chance that the vibrations can end up damaging your ceiling. This problem is actually far more common than you may think.

How Do You Fix a Sagging Ceiling?

You shouldn’t try to fix the sagging ceiling yourself. You will need to call in a professional.

In most cases, dealing with a sagging ceiling isn’t too difficult. It is a case of replastering the ceiling. It is a job that will take a day or so, but it should be fairly affordable (far more affordable than dealing with structural damage issues in your home!).

However, even if you know how to plaster, calling in a professional is important. They will be able to get to the bottom of why the ceiling is sagging in the first place. Remember, if the sagging issue isn’t dealt with, then the problem will just come back, no matter how much you plaster.

You also have to remember that electrical cables run through the ceiling cavity. it is pretty dangerous to come into contact with them.

Final Thoughts 

Any sort of ceiling sag is a bad thing. However, if your ceiling has started to develop cracks, or the ceiling sag is very noticeable, then you will need to get the problem dealt with quickly. If you let the problem go on for too long, then there is the risk that your ceiling could collapse. Trust us, that is not really something that you want to deal with!

Thankfully, ceiling sag is something that is normally quite cheap to fix. Getting rid of the reason why the ceiling is sagging and then plastering over the ceiling cavity should fix 90% of issues. 

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How Much Ceiling Sag Is Acceptable?
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