Do Deck Posts Need to be Anchored? (Things You Need To Know)

Posts are the most crucial part of your deck when it comes to keeping it structurally sound and safe. Anchoring your posts is an extremely important part of building a quality deck that will last a long time and remains durable and strong, having the ability to withstand a lot of weight and frequent use.

Anchoring your deck posts to the ground is going to give you peace of mind that your family will be safe and your deck won’t one day fall apart. So, if you have any questions regarding anchoring deck posts, this article has the answers.

Do You Have to Anchor Deck Posts?

In order to make sure your deck posts are secure and safe to use, they need to be anchored to the ground. So, what does an anchor do? These anchors not only keep your deck post in place but also protects the bottom of them from moving, warping, and getting ruined.

If you don’t want deck posts that sink into the ground or start to wiggle and wobble after the earth shifts, you have to anchor them down.

For safety purposes, deck posts are required by code to be anchored in some fashion, and choosing the best way to keep your posts in place should start with the proper footing.

Do Deck Posts Need to Be Anchored to the Landing?

The most popular way to attach a deck post in a secure fashion is by anchoring them to the landing of the stairs. This is typically a concrete slab that sits at the bottom of the steps, supporting the deck and providing a safe place for people to walk when entering or exiting the deck.

Your deck posts do not necessarily have to be anchored to the landing of the stairs as long as you have proper support for the rest of your deck. However, it is still a good idea to have some type of extra support to aid in a safe structure and sound steps.

How Do You Anchor a Deck Post?

Anchoring your deck posts is a pretty time-consuming job and takes a bit of knowledge when it comes to pouring concrete and creating proper footing for your deck.

Once you are ready to anchor your posts, you will need proper footing; this is almost always completed in cement. Once the cement slab is poured, you will place a kickplate into the wet mixture, allowing it to harden, securing the plate; this will keep your posts in position.

Once the posts are set in place, you bolt them to the kickplate and continue building the rest of the steps.

Can Deck Posts Be Set in Concrete?

Deck posts are most secure when set in anchors then placed in concrete for a stronghold. Many people do choose to set their deck post straight into a concrete mixture, allowing the structure to dry with the concrete hardening directly against the posts. 

We don’t recommend doing this and for a good reason. When the post is set directly into a concrete mixture, it tends to fail or break a lot quicker than when you use anchors. Anchors protect the posts and will keep you from having to repair or replace them for many years.

No matter how you choose to anchor your deck posts, it is crucial that you pour the concrete at least 3″ below the frost line; this is going to protect the post from harsh weather, including frigid winters, where deck posts often expand or contract.

Can You Anchor Deck Posts Without Concrete?

You do not have to pour an entire concrete slab if you don’t want to deal with the hassle or the mess. You can also anchor deck posts securely just by using flanges

What are flanges? Flanges are inserted or hammered into the ground using a jackhammer; the anchors are attached to these brackets, which in turn are secured into the ground, then the deck posts are put into place in the footing of the anchors with screws. 

What are Deck Blocks, and Should You Use Them?

Some people will choose to use deck blocks instead of digging holes and mixing concrete. Deck blocks are reconstructed concrete blocks that are made to sit on top of level grounding and hold the deck posts in position. 

In these types of anchors, the blocks are typically left to sit on the surface of your land; however, many people also choose to dig down a few inches deep and place the blocks into the ground to cancel them and add a little extra support.

Problem with Deck Blocks

Although deck blocks are a lot easier than digging deep holes to pour cement, they aren’t necessarily a better option. Typically these blocks are a bit larger than the posts proving a lot of wiggle room and not securing the deck as much as you hope. 

Another issue with deck blocks is that there is no way to fasten the posts to the block. The only thing holding the posts in place is the weight of the deck. 

What is Deck Post Anchor Foam?

Deck post anchor foams are a quick and easy way to anchor your deck posts to the hole you dug in the ground. First, you have to place the post into the hole you dug, then pour the mixture in. This material starts to expand as soon as it is mixed up and can hold your post in place within five minutes.

Once fully hardened, the deck post anchor foam is weather resistant and will maintain a stronghold for a very long time.

Summing Things Up

Everyone dreams of building a beautiful deck where they can host special events or enjoy quiet evenings with the family. Making sure you build a strong and durable deck with the proper footing is going to help you spend less time worrying about deck maintenance and enjoying time on your deck with the ones you love. 

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Do Deck Posts Need to be Anchored? (Things You Need To Know)
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