How Many Ceiling Fans Can You Have On a 15-amp Circuit?

When you are designing the electrical layout of your house, one thing you need to keep in mind is the circuits and their capacities. Most house circuits make use of a 15-amp breaker so an important question that arises is how many ceiling fans on a 15-amp circuit?

15-amp circuits can generally support 14 to 26 ceiling fans, considering fans have a medium range power consumption of 80 watts. The number of fans changes considering whether other appliances are connected to the same circuit or not. 

This article will help you understand the upper limits of your circuits and will explain to you the way to figure out the number of ceiling fans 15-ampere circuits support.

Power Consumption of a Ceiling Fan

Ceiling fans usually have a power rating of 80 watts and run on either 120 or 240 voltages, the former being more common. 80 watts is the highest power rating of ceiling fans. However, since the speed of fans can usually be controlled using a regulator, this power rating is not constant. When fans have a lower speed, their power consumption would be less than 80 watts.

Factors Determining the Number of Fans

There are a few factors that influence the number of fans that a 15-amp circuit can support. To start with the voltage rating of the circuit needs to be taken into account. If it is high, then more ceiling fans can be supported. Other than that, another factor is power. If your ceiling fans take up less power, then your circuit can support a greater number of them.

The last factor is the number of other appliances that have been connected to the 15-amp circuit. If there is a large number of other appliances such as lights, refrigerators, etc. then naturally there will less power available to run ceiling fans.

Calculating the Number of Ceiling Fans on a 15-amp circuit

Most of the time ceiling fans take up a small amount of energy. This allows multiple fans to be connected and run on the same circuit without posing a safety risk. If you attach only fans to your 15-amp circuit, you can run 18 fans given each of them have an average of 80 watts. 

However, if there are other appliances attached to the circuit the number of ceiling fans will become lower.

For a 15-amp circuit, if the current flow is more than 15 amperes, the circuit would trip. This means that the highest power a 15-amp circuit can handle at 120 voltage is 1800 watts. You are instructed to usually make use of 80 percent of the maximum power, meaning the maximum power that can be used here would be 1440 watts.

This is the number you should keep in mind and then calculate how many ceiling fans can be attached to the circuit, considering how much power each individual fan would take up.

15-amp Circuit Overload

If there are more fans connected to the 15-ampere circuit than it could possibly handle (15 amp current), the circuit will trip off. A circuit breaker protects the circuit by limiting the flow of current. The circuit breaker’s rating is chosen to prevent the overload of wires in a circuit. This way the circuit is safe from damage.  

You will not be able to restart the circuit until the overload is taken care of.


The information mentioned above is very useful in case you want to learn the basics of electric principles. Whether you have to work with circuit breakers or daily appliances, all these principles are important to keep in mind. Since you now know how to make calculations for a 15-amp circuit, you will find it easy to answer similar questions pertaining to a different rated circuit.

Different companies make their fans in different ways. Some ceiling fans have low energy efficiency and power motor systems to generate air while others require less energy and are more efficient.

However, all companies take important measures to ensure that ceiling fans consume less electricity, and are environmentally friendly and efficient. Since this is a general aim that most companies work towards, we can say that a 15-amp circuit can easily allow about 15 or 16 ceiling fans to run.

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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Q- Can two fans be on the same circuit?

A- Yes, not only two but more than two fans can be on the same circuit. As long as you make sure the circuit does not get overloaded, you can connect more than just a few fans to it.

Q- How many Amperes does a fan use?

A- If the ceiling fan has a rated power of about 80 watts, then the maximum amperes that it can use are 0.67 amps. Since the rated power has to be divided by the rated voltage of the fan to calculate amperes, you can calculate the number of amps needed for different fans if they vary. 

Q- Can I remove a ceiling fan without turning off the circuit breaker?

A- There are two ways to provide power to a fan. In the first way, power goes to the switch box on the wall from where you can turn it off or on. It then goes to the fan from the switch. If the switch and power are off, then you can remove the ceiling fan.

The second way is power coming to the ceiling junction box from where the fan is. If the switch is off there is no power that is going to the fan. But there is still power on one of the leads in the junction box and you would end up electrocuting yourself. Therefore, it would be best to turn off the circuit breaker before and then remove the ceiling fan.

Q- How can I tell whether my outlets are 15 amperes or 20 amperes?

A- The easiest way to check the intensity of the household’s electric circuit is by checking the breakers or the fuses in the panel. A 15-ampere circuit would normally include 14 gauge wires while a circuit of 20 amperes would use 10 gauge or 12 gauge wires.

How Many Ceiling Fans Can You Have On a 15-amp Circuit?
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