Complete Guide: Will a Carpet Cleaner Remove Stains?

Cleaning your carpet is one way to freshen up a room, maintain the fibers and colors of your carpet, and protect your investment.

However, you may have some stubborn stains on your carpet. This may bring up the question of whether or not a carpet cleaning machine or a professional carpet cleaner will remove stains from your carpet.

This is an excellent question and in this blog post, we will go over everything you need to know about removing stains from your carpet with a machine or professional carpet cleaner.

Answer To The Question Will a Carpet Cleaner Remove Stains:

The answer is not always. It’s important to note that not all stains are the same. Certain stains, no matter the chemicals you use or the amount of time you spend trying to remove them, may never come out.

On the other hand, some stains will disappear after one treatment while others may take a few tries. It depends on the severity and type of stain. Let’s go over some of the different stains you may encounter and the best way to remove them.


Water-soluble stains are the easiest to remove. These include food and drink spills, mud, and vomit. For these stains, you can use a store-bought carpet cleaner or a DIY solution.

A professional will easily remove these stains; however, you can get the job done with a little elbow grease.

Oil-Soluble Stains

These stains are a bit harder to remove and include makeup, grease, and oil. These are extremely hard to get out of a carpet because oils are attracted to the fibers of the carpet.

As a result, they quickly penetrate the fibers and are difficult to remove. If you spot the stain instantly, the best way to get it out is to blot it with hot water. Hot water turns the oil-based stain into more of a liquid, making it easier to remove.

After you wipe down the oil stain with hot or warm water, consider using baking soda over the area. Baking soda will help to absorb the remaining oils and make it easier for you to vacuum up.

If the stain is old or set in, you may need to use a store-bought carpet cleaner that is designed for oil-based stains.

Wax and Gum Stains

Wax and gum can be a pain to remove, but it is possible. The first step is to harden the wax or gum with an ice cube. Once it’s hardened, you can then use a blunt object, such as a butter knife, to scrape away the wax or gum.

Protein-Based Stains

Protein-based stains come from bodily fluids like blood, sweat, and urine. These can be some of the most challenging stains to remove.

Colder water is the trick to getting protein stains out. Hot water will cause the protein to coagulate, making it harder to remove. Adding laundry detergent to the cold water will also help to break down the protein and make it easier to remove. The reasoning is that the enzymes in laundry detergent will work to break down the protein. Makes sure the laundry detergent contains proteas, which are enzymes that break down protein.

All you have to do is mix cold water with laundry detergent and blot the stain. You will want to avoid rubbing the area as this will only spread the stain and make it more difficult to remove. Keep in mind it’s best to dilute the laundry detergent before using it on the carpet. This will help to avoid any damage to the fibers. If the detergent isn’t diluted properly, the leftover residue from the detergent will collect dirt and dust causing the carpet to break down faster.

Certain Stains Can’t Be Removed

No matter how many times you try, some stains just won’t come out. If you’ve tried everything and the stain is still there, it’s time to accept defeat.

The following stains are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to remove:

  • Ink
  • Dye
  • Rust
  • Coffee
  • Tea 
  • Bleach

These stains are best left to the professionals. A professional carpet cleaner will have the right equipment and solutions to remove these stains without damaging your carpet.

What To Do If a Stain Is Irreversible

Sometimes stains are irreparable. If this happens, there are a couple of things you could do to cover up the stain.

Rearrange your furniture

Rearranging your furniture could be the answer to covering up an irreversible stain. By rearranging your furniture, you can create a “new” look in the room and cover up the problem area. Putting a table or couch over the stain is an easy way to mask the problem.

Invest in a carpet runner or area rug

A carpet runner or area rug is a great way to cover up an irreversible stain. Not only will it add décor to the room, but it will also help to protect your floors. Carpet runners and area rugs are easy to clean and replace, making them a great option for covering up stains.

One tip that may help how the rug looks on top of the carpet is to have an area rug that is a different texture than your carpet and to use a color that compliments your carpet.

Recolor The Area

If the stain is small, you may be able to recolor the area with carpet dye. One thing to keep into consideration is that carpet dye is different than fabric dye. It’s important to make sure you get the color right as well. Otherwise, the discoloration will be just as noticeable as the stain you were trying to remove in the first place.

Replace The Carpet

In some cases, the only way to fix an irreversible carpet stain is to replace the carpet. This is usually the case with large or oddly shaped stains. Replacing the carpet is also a good option if you have multiple stains that are close together.

Prevention is the Best Solution

The best way to deal with stains is to prevent them from happening in the first place. 

Avoid Eating and Drinking Over Your Carpet

You should also avoid eating and drinking over your carpet. Make it known to the company that they need to be careful.

Invest in a Carpet Protector

carpet protector is a great way to protect your carpets from stains. A carpet protector is a clear, thin film that’s applied to the surface of your carpet. It creates an invisible barrier between your carpet and anything that comes into contact with it, making it much easier.

No Shoes Policy

You should also have a no-shoes policy in your home. This will help to keep dirt and debris off of your carpets.

Consider Buying a Mat

If you have kids that like to color, paint and do all types of crafts. Buying a mat that will go under their project will help to protect your carpets.

Other Things To Keep In Mind

  • Make sure that the carpet products you use are good for your specific carpet
  • Be sure to read the instructions on any cleaning product before using it.
  • Test the cleaner in an inconspicuous area before using it on the stain.
  • If you’re unsure about anything, it’s always best to consult a professional.


Stains happen, but that doesn’t mean they have to be permanent. With the right tools and knowledge, you can remove most stains. However, some stains just won’t come out no matter what you do. In these cases, it’s best to cover up the stain or replace the carpet altogether. Prevention is always the best solution. By taking some simple precautions, you can avoid stains altogether. 

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Complete Guide: Will a Carpet Cleaner Remove Stains?
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