Can Bed Bugs Live On Patio Furniture? (What You Should Know)

Bed bugs are commonly found inside the house and aren’t considered a pest you find outside. But can bed bugs live on patio furniture?

Bed bugs can live on patio furniture, even though they don’t have a high outside survival rate due to a lack of food sources. Rattan chairs, cushioned furniture, dry outdoor dog beds, and patio umbrellas are all prone to these pests.

This article will discuss where you can find bed bugs on patio furniture, how long they can survive outside, and how to get rid of them. In addition, we’ll cover how bed bugs get in your home and the best ways to prevent an infestation inside. 

What Type Of Patio Furniture Can Bed Bugs Live On 

Bed bugs prefer dry places and avoid areas that are wet or high in moisture. The common types of patio furniture where you’ll find bed bugs are:

  • Rattan-style loungers and chairs
  • Furniture with cushions
  • Dog matt or bed 
  • Patio umbrellas 

Even though bed bugs need blood to survive, they can find a home within your patio furniture until an ideal host comes along. So, even if your patio furniture has been outside for a lengthy period, it doesn’t mean you can’t find bed bugs living inside. 

Finally, if you store your patio cushions during the winter, ensure you keep them in sealable bags to prevent bed bugs (and other pests) from entering. 

How Long Can Bed Bugs Live On Patio Furniture 

Bed bugs don’t survive too long outside because there are insufficient food sources and don’t do well in extremely warm or cold temperatures. In fact, blasting the heat inside your home is an effective way to rid yourself of a bed bug problem. 

Also, bed bugs don’t live on patio furniture as long as they would on your bed for several reasons. For example, there are many predators outside, including:

  • Spiders
  • Lizards
  • Cockroaches
  • Ants

In addition, bed bugs need food (aka: blood) to survive, and they don’t always find it outside. Unfortunately, bed bugs can latch onto you and enjoy the free ride inside if you sit on your infested patio furniture.

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs On Patio Furniture 

If you’ve identified bed bugs on your patio furniture, you want to eliminate them immediately. Unfortunately, if you wait too long, they can make their way inside, where stopping the problem is much more difficult. 

Here are some tips to get rid of bed bugs on patio furniture:

Wash And Dry Furniture Cushions 

If your patio furniture has removable cushions, you want to wash them in hot water and then put them in the dryer on high heat. High temperatures can kill all stages of bed bugs. 

Vacuum Infested Furniture 

Using the vacuum hose, you should clean up all furniture parts, empty the bag outside, and immediately discard the residue into a plastic bag. It’s best to clean the vacuum inside to ensure no pests remain inside. 

Put Covered Cushions In Direct Sunlight 

Place all cushions in large plastic bags and keep them in direct sunlight. Bed bugs can’t withstand the inside temperature once it reaches 120 degrees Fahrenheit. You will want to vacuum the cushions when you remove them from the bags. 

Keep Pets Away From Patio Furniture 

If your dog lounges on your patio furniture, they can become a feeding source for bed bugs living inside the cushions. In this case, the bed bugs will continue to live on your patio furniture because they have a host.

How Do Bed Bugs Get Inside?

The bed bugs you find on your patio furniture can latch onto you, and you unknowingly bring them inside. Bed bugs can live in dry places, without food, for up to 4 months and sometimes up to one year. 

Once bed bugs enter your home, they begin laying eggs and will quickly multiply. If you find itchy, red bites on your skin, you might have bed bugs. 

There are several ways bed bugs may have entered your home. Understanding how they got in can also help you prevent any future infestations. Here are a few ways bed bugs may have gotten inside. 

  • Bed bugs can hitch a ride inside on humans or pets. While bed bugs don’t have wings, they can jump on passerby’s. 
  • Bed bugs come in on used furniture. 
  • Bed bugs attach to clothing, purses, backpack, and luggage. 

Tips On Preventing Bed Bugs From Entering Your Home 

Since bed bugs are one of the most challenging pests to treat, prevention is critical in preventing them from infesting your patio furniture and making their way inside. Here are some tips on keeping the pests away from your home. 

  • Thoroughly clean any second-hand furniture before bringing it into your home. 
  • Wash all clothes and shoes after traveling 
  • Don’t just throw away infested items; they can make their way back inside. So, ensure you take measures to eliminate the pests. 
  • Seal holes and gaps along your home’s foundation to block potential entryways. 
  • Keep your furniture away from the walls. 
  • Regularly clean and vacuum your home. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can I use outdoor pesticides for bed bugs?

Using outdoor pesticides for bed bugs is not recommended since you shouldn’t use them on furniture or clothing. In addition, the use of pesticides can make your family sick if exposed to harsh chemicals. If you cannot eliminate the bed bugs after following the tips in this article, it would be best for you to contact a professional with the expertise to handle the issue. 

Can bed bugs live in your yard?

Bed bugs typically don’t do well in yards because the grass is not their ideal living situation. Unlike ticks or fleas, you don’t find bed bugs in plants or flowers. Instead, bed bugs prefer warm, dark places to find food. 

How did bed bugs get in my backyard?

Bed bugs usually end up in backyards because they were on something you threw away, like an old couch or infested mattresses. The pests also can end up in your backyard if they fall off someone walking by. 

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Can Bed Bugs Live On Patio Furniture? (What You Should Know)
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