Can You Use Carpet Cleaner On Hardwood Floor? (What You Need To Know)

A carpet cleaner or carpet shampooer can do an excellent job when it comes to cleaning carpets, it can help relieve the carpet fibers or dirt that is clinging to it. If you’ve recently switched over to hardwood floors, you may be wondering if you could use the carpet cleaner to also clean your new floor.

In this blog post, we will go over whether or not you can use a carpet cleaner on hardwood floors and what you need to know about cleaning your hardwood floors.

Brief Answer To The Question Can You Use Carpet Cleaner On Hardwood Floors:

When it comes to cleaning a carpet with a carpet cleaner, the vacuum can suck up all the water that has been sprayed on the carpet. This is not the case with hardwood floors as the wood is absorbent and the water will go between the cracks and damage the floor.

Hardwood is porous, meaning that it has tiny holes that can absorb water and other liquids. Because it’s porous and also a solid, the water that goes in will absorb and cause the wood to swell, buckle, and warp. You may realize in your kitchen, if you have an ice machine on your fridge, that hardwood floors tend to look worn out around that area of the floor. This is because, over time, the ice melting and water spilling cause the wood to swell and start to look old.

What Are The Best Ways To Clean Your Hardwood Floors?

There are a few different ways that you can clean your hardwood floors and we will go over each method.


The best way to remove dirt, dust, and hair from your hardwood floors is to sweep them with a soft-bristled broom or vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment. You should do this at least once a week, or more if you have pets that shed.


When it comes to mopping your hardwood floors, you want to use a damp mop and not a soaking wet mop. Use a microfiber mop head or cloth as these are the best at picking up dirt and dust without scratching the floor.

Cleaning Solutions

When it comes to cleaning solutions, you want to use a pH-neutral cleaner or one that is specifically made for hardwood floors. You never want to use harsh chemicals like bleach or vinegar as these can damage the floor.

Murphys Oil Soap is a popular choice for hardwood floors as it’s specifically made for wood.

How Often Should You Clean Your Hardwood Floors?

You should sweep or vacuum your hardwood floors at least once a week, or more if you have pets that shed, a little more often may be a good idea. You should also mop your floors at least once a week, or more if you have kids or a lot of foot traffic in your home.

An automatic vacuum, could really help cut down on the amount of time you spend sweeping and vacuuming your floors.

What Are The Ways You Should Never Clean Your Hardwood Floors?

There are a few ways that you should never clean your hardwood floors as these can damage the floor.

Steam Cleaners

Never use a steam cleaner on your hardwood floors as the steam can penetrate the wood and cause it to warp.

Never use harsh chemicals like bleach or vinegar

Bleach might sound like a good idea, and vinegar could sound like a healthier option, but these are both harsh to your hardwood floors.


Ammonia is another cleaning product that you should never use on your hardwood floors as it can damage the finish.

What Other Things Are Bad For Hardwood Floors?

Here are a few other things that can damage your hardwood floors:


If you have pets, their nails can scratch the floor and their accidents can cause water damage. Make sure you cut your pet’s nails regularly and clean up any accidents right away.

High Heels

High heels can also cause scratches on the floor. If you live in a home with hardwood floors, it’s best to take your shoes off at the door.


Moving furniture around can also cause scratches on the floor. When you need to move furniture, always lift it and never drag it as this will cause more damage. If you need help make sure you call a friend to ensure you don’t damage the floor.


UV rays can also damage hardwood floors as they can cause the wood to fade and discolor over time.

Using the wrong type of vacuum

If you have a vacuum cleaner with a beater bar, this can also damage your floors. The best type of vacuum to use on hardwood floors is one that has a soft brush attachment.

What Are Some Things You Could Do To Protect Your Hardwood Floors?

Furniture Pads

furniture pads are a lifesaver when it comes to hardwood floors. These will help to prevent scratches when you move furniture around. You can find them at any hardware store.


Rugs are also a great way to protect your hardwood floors, especially in high-traffic areas. They will help to catch dirt and dust before it has a chance to scratch the floor.


Doormats are a must-have if you have hardwood floors. They will help to catch dirt and mud before it’s brought into the house.

Eating and Drinking Over The Table

Whenever you have food or drinks in your home, make sure they’re always over a table. Spills can cause water damage to the floor and should be cleaned up right away.

How To Make Hardwood Floors Look New Again?

If you’ve made some of the mistakes mentioned above, or your floors just look dull and in need of a refresh, there are a few things you can do to make them look new again.


Screening is when you sand the floor with a very fine sandpaper to remove any scratches or damage. This will also help to smooth out the floor. You can do this yourself or hire a professional.


Refinishing is when you sand the floor down to the bare wood and then apply a new finish. This is a more drastic option but will make your floors look brand new again. You should hire a professional to do this.

Redo The Floors All Together

If your hardwood floors are beyond repair, you might have to replace them altogether. This is a big project but will give you a brand new start.


We hope this blog post answered your question, “Can you use a carpet cleaner on hardwood floors?” In short, the answer is no – you should not use a carpet cleaner on your hardwood floors as it can damage the wood.

When it comes to cleaning your hardwood floors, there are a few different ways that you can do so mentioned above.

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Can You Use Carpet Cleaner On Hardwood Floor? (What You Need To Know)
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