Do I Need a Permit To Install a Ceiling Fan?

Planning on getting a ceiling fan installed? Great! Although, the process may not be as simple as you may think. It does require some major electrical work. As a result, a lot of people wonder ‘do I need a permit to install a ceiling fan?’‘. 

Whether you need a permit to install a ceiling fan will be dependent on local regulations. You will need to look into the laws of where you live. Some may require permits, others don’t, and some may require permits if you are installing a completely new ceiling fan as opposed to replacing an old one.

Let’s expand upon this a little bit because there are a few important things that we need to discuss. 

Do I Need a Permit To Install a Ceiling Fan?

As we said, this is going to be dependent on where you live.

The vast majority of places will not require a permit. It is still worth doing research to be sure.

However, in most cases, you can stick up a ceiling fan and it will be 100% fine.

In some areas, you may only need a permit if you are carrying out extensive electrical work to install a ceiling fan e.g. you are putting a ceiling fan in a place where there was no ceiling fan before. In this case, you would not require a permit if you are planning on carrying out a straight swap of an old ceiling fan.

Finally, there are places, albeit very few places, that require you to get a permit if you are installing a ceiling fan. It is more likely to be a requirement if you live somewhere where the ceiling fan may end up disturbing somebody.

How Do You Get a Permit To Install a Ceiling Fan?

Again, this is going to be dependent on where you live.

If you do require a permit, then it is likely that you will need to talk to your town’s building department. They probably have the application form on their website.

We suggest that you actually talk to a professional electrician instead. They will be able to guide you through the permit process. In our experience, professional electricians can help to speed things along. After all, they have been in the business a while, which means that they have contacts that they can lean upon.

It is worth noting that in some states, the homeowner will not be allowed to apply for the permit themselves if extensive wiring needs to be carried out. This is something that can only be done by somebody with a ‘Master Electrician’ qualification. Your area’s building department will tell you if this is going to be the case.

Remember, getting a permit to install a ceiling fan isn’t free. It will likely cost $10-$20 to cover the application fee. The application form will walk you through everything that you really need to know here. If a professional electrician makes the application on your behalf, then the fee for the application will likely be covered by the professional electrician, assuming that you are using them to carry out your installation.

How Long Does It Take To Get a Permit For a Ceiling Fan?

The process isn’t going to be quick, although we are sure you knew that. This is the government that you are dealing with, after all.

The process will likely take a couple of weeks. This is why you really should be working with a professional electrician here. They will know all of the tricks to hurry things along.

You mustn’t have any work carried out until you have had that permit granted. There is always the risk that the building department could inspect your building, and if you have already had that ceiling fan installed, then you will be ‘enjoying’ some big fines. 

Can I Install a Ceiling Fan Without An Electrician?

This is going to be dependent on where you live.

Some places will require a professional electrician to carry out the work. It helps to ensure that the fan is installed safely. It is pretty much guaranteed that you will need to hire a professional if you are having extensive wiring work carried out on your property. There are very, very few building departments on this planet that will allow you to carry out that sort of work yourself. It is a fire and safety risk.

If you are carrying out a swap of an old ceiling fan, then this is something that you will likely be able to do yourself although, you should still hire an expert if you can. Swapping out an old ceiling fan will be a case of switching off the power to your home, removing the connecting wires from the old ceiling fan, and wiring the new one back up. There are plenty of guides on how to do this.

If you do decide to hire a professional, then you can expect the installation price to be around $250, although it will be more than this if any extensive wiring needs to be carried out i.e. if a new power cable needs to reach the place where the ceiling fan is going to be installed.

Final Thoughts 

In some areas, you will need a permit to get a ceiling fan installed. You will need to check the website for your area’s building department to find out more. You can also talk to a professional electrician. They can provide you with more advice. 


Does a Ceiling Fan Need To Be Installed By An Electrician?

In some areas, it is a legal requirement for a ceiling fan to be installed by a qualified electrician. Look at the website for your local building department if you want to know more.

Can You Install a Ceiling Fan Where There Is No Light Fixture?

Yes. However, this is something that a professional electrician will need to do on your behalf. It will involve adding extra wiring to your home. 

Do I Need a Permit To Install a Ceiling Fan?
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