Are Insulated Patio Covers Worth It? (What You Should Know)

Covering your patio space is a no-brainer. After all, it’s the best way to protect your furniture and plants from the elements, but is all of the hype around insulated patio covers justified, and are patio covers worth it?

Insulated patio covers are definitely worth the asking price because they provide better temperature control, allow for easy installation of ceiling fans, can be walled off to create additional living space, and increase the resale value of a home.

Insulated patio covers are a valuable investment in your home and can make an outdoor patio space much more pleasant. The rest of this article will discuss whether insulated patio covers are worth it.

Are Insulated Patio Covers Better than non-Insulated?

Insulated patio covers have some advantages over non-insulated patio covers, mostly thanks to the effects of the insulation built in. This insulation provides a lot more resistance to extremes in temperature—such as a hot July day—than a traditional patio cover does.

Because they are filled with insulation, insulated patio covers have to be made of solid material and can’t be latticed. Despite the fewer options for style, patio covers also add resale value to a home and provide more robust protection from the elements when compared to regular patio covers.

Do Patio Covers Keep Heat from Getting Through?

One of the biggest upsides of an insulated patio cover is that you can enjoy your patio space a lot more in the summer because the cover stops heat from getting through.

You don’t need to bring your heavy-duty fan outside just to beat the heat and enjoy the sunshine. An insulated patio cover maintains cooler temperatures even during the hot summer months.

The Benefits of Insulated Patio Covers

Insulated patio covers are admittedly expensive, but the value they add to a home, both in function and aesthetics, shouldn’t be overlooked.

Temperature Control

Not only does an insulated patio cover make it a lot easier to stay cool and shaded during the summer months, but it can protect you from the biting cold as well. This insulation feature allows you to enjoy time out on the patio whenever you’d like, rather than being dictated by the whims of the temperature conditions outside.

Weather Protection

As well as managing and maintaining temperature, insulated patio covers also provide a solid defense against the slings and arrows of Mother Nature. Whether it be hail, lightning strikes, or strong winds, an insulated patio is a much better way to protect your patio furniture and plants than a non-insulated one.

Non-insulated patio covers take a beating in inclement weather conditions and will show hail and wind damage over time. An insulated patio is built to withstand the harshest of weather and doesn’t need anywhere near as much maintenance.

Installment Options

When it comes to insulated patios, you have more options in installing a ceiling fan. With a non-insulated patio, a ceiling fan often means exposed hanging conduits, which aren’t pretty to look at.

The solid-built make of an insulated patio allows for those conduits to be hidden among the insulation, allowing you to install ceiling fans with ease and hide cabling for any electronics you want to install in the area.

Better Value

One of the best parts about adding an insulated patio cover is that it can increase the value of your home. An insulated patio cover is a great feature in a home and makes your home appear more desirable to house hunters.

Of course, that may be long down the line, but even so, having better equity in your home is always a plus. An insulated patio cover also provides the perfect groundwork for if you ever wanted to convert the area into additional indoor living space.

If you decide that your patio furniture can be moved elsewhere, all you need to do is add walls to the insulated patio cover, and you’ve got yourself some additional square footage for whatever you choose to do. This versatility simply isn’t available for traditional patio covers since they don’t have the necessary insulation to create a climate-controlled indoor space.


Durability is a big deal when it comes to major additions to your home, and insulated patio covers trade versatility in style options for robust and durable construction.

Sure, there aren’t as many pretty designs to choose from, but if you want something that will last you for years to come—especially if you live somewhere that’s prone to hurricanes or other extreme weather events—then an insulated patio cover is your best bet.


Insulated patio covers generally look better than non-insulated ones. They simply look more robust and sturdier and set apart the space in a nicer way.

Of course, this is reflected in the price of insulated patio covers, but in most cases, insulated patios add more aesthetic value to a home—both due to their superior construction and the fact that they are not as easily damaged.

Should I Insulate My Patio Roof?

All in all, the question of whether to insulate your patio roof comes down to your preference. If you live somewhere that has cooler summers, then a non-insulated patio cover might be a better choice to save money; otherwise, an insulated patio cover certainly offers great value for the asking price.

Final Thoughts

Insulated patio covers are a great addition to any patio space. They offer a lot of valuable functions—from the obvious plus of putting a roof over your valuable furniture and outdoor appliances to the benefit of having a cooler patio space.

If you live somewhere that gets a lot of temperature or weather extremes, then insulated patio covers are certainly a great option for keeping you cool.

Insulated patio covers also offer additional resale value to a home, are perfect for hiding cables and wiring, and can be converted to an indoor living area simply by adding walls.

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Are Insulated Patio Covers Worth It? (What You Should Know)
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