Does Ceiling Paint Need To Be Shaken?

If you are painting your rooms, you might be wondering, does ceiling paint need to be shaken? A lot of paint has to be mixed in order to make it usable, because paint often separates when it is allowed to sit somewhere.

Ceiling paint does need to be either stirred or shaken if it is going to produce an even, aesthetically pleasing layer. If you don’t shake the ceiling paint, you are likely to get streaks and discoloration, because some of the oils will have separated. Every time you use ceiling paint, you should stir it thoroughly.

In this article, we’re going to explore why you need to shake ceiling paint, how much shaking is needed, and whether you should stir it.

Why Do You Need To Mix Ceiling Paint?

If you have just bought some ceiling paint, you may not be aware that it needs mixing. However, like most kinds of paint, ceiling paint needs to be shaken thoroughly before it can be used, or it will not stick to the ceiling properly because the liquids in it will have separated. There is a higher risk of it dripping, too.

When you buy ceiling paint, it will generally be shaken using a machine to help re-combine all of the liquids within it and make sure that they are mixed together. However, you should still stir the paint, because unstirred paint:

  • May have a layer of water or oil at the top
  • May have darker and lighter patches of color running through it, which will create uneven colors on your ceiling
  • May have less binder in certain areas, which means it won’t stick to the ceiling particularly well
  • May be thicker at the bottom of the can, resulting in uneven coats

You might also encounter other issues, so it’s really important to make sure that you mix ceiling paint just as you would any other kind of paint. If it has been shaken at the store, you should still stir it to make sure it is as fully mixed as possible – especially if a few days have passed since you bought it. 

Paint that has been allowed to sit for long periods needs a very thorough mix, and ideally should be stirred with a machine or a paint mixing propeller, which can be attached to a drill and used to recombine all of the liquids and solids in the paint into one even mixture.

Should You Shake Or Stir It?

You can shake or stir paint, but stirring is often easier when you’re at home, and it is less likely to make a mess. Take the lid off the can and use the provided stirrer to mix the paint. If you’re going to shake the paint, you need to be sure that the lid is firmly in place and that there’s no risk of spilling the paint.

Sometimes, people put their paint in a bag before shaking it, just to make sure that no paint can spill if the lid does pop off. Place your hand on the top and bottom of the can so you are holding the lid in place, and then shake it very vigorously for a good few minutes.

This will help to recombine all of the contents of the can, but you should be aware that it’s not comparable to a professional shaking machine and it doesn’t get all of the chemicals at the bottom of the can to redistribute themselves properly.

If you bought the paint a while ago, the best thing to do is to take it to a store and see if they will shake it for you. Most stores will do this free of charge, and it will ensure that everything in the can is thoroughly mixed up and ready to use.

How Do You Stir Ceiling Paint?

If you would rather stir ceiling paint, you should use the provided stirring stick if possible, as this will reach the bottom of the can, where all the chemicals will have settled. Slip the stick into the paint, right to the bottom, and begin stirring and scooping the paint around.

Remember that your goal is to recombine the chemicals from the bottom with the paint at the top, and to make sure that any water or oil that has separated gets mixed back in. You should stir the paint thoroughly for about 5 to 10 minutes, depending on how much it has separated.

Do this every time you use the paint, even if you can’t see any visible separation. It will ensure that you get good results from your paint, because all the pigments and binders will be evenly mixed into the paint.


Q: Is it necessary to stir paint?

A: Yes, you should stir paint every time you use it, even if it has been shaken at the store. If it has just been shaken, a quick stir should be sufficient, but if the paint has been left for a long time, it needs to either be professionally shaken or at least given a very thorough and prolonged stir.

Q: What happens if the paint material is not properly mixed?

A: You might find that nothing bad happens, but often, the paint will not coat the wall as well as it should. Chemicals that need to react with each as the paint is drying may not be present, and the performance of the paint will be reduced.

Q: Do you need to stir old paint?

A: Yes, definitely. Old paint should be stirred for at least 10 minutes to ensure that all of the chemicals that have settled out at the bottom of the can are reincorporated.


Ceiling paint, just like other kinds of paint, needs to be stirred or shaken thoroughly before it is used, or it will not adhere to the ceiling properly. Since painting a ceiling is a challenging job anyway, make sure you are setting yourself up for success with proper stirring!

Does Ceiling Paint Need To Be Shaken?
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