
Why Does Everyone Hate Carpet?

Whether selling your home or simply redecorating, your floors deserve careful consideration. Even the best choices in accents and furnishings will fall flat if the floors don’t tie your designs together. While making your selection, you may wonder—why does everyone hate carpet? Not everyone hates carpet, but it does appear to have fallen out of […]

Why Are Ceilings Textured (Things You Need To Know)

If you are thinking of redoing your ceiling, you might be wondering why most ceilings are textured, and whether you need to replicate this with your refinished ceiling. A lot of contractors use textured ceilings. On the whole, ceilings are textured because the texturing will hide the imperfections in the ceiling. Textured ceilings are sometimes […]

How Strong is a Drywall Ceiling? (Things You Should Know)

The ceiling is a generally ignored and undervalued element of space design. But it has a significant influence on the room’s aesthetics and design.  Drywall ceilings are an easy-to-install and versatile alternative for consumers looking for a cost-effective and simple option. If you intend to suspend aesthetic pieces from your drywall ceiling, you must first determine […]

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