Will a Carpet Cleaner Pick Up Dog Hair? (Everything You Need To Know)

Are you planning on having a carpet cleaner come and clean your carpet? Or do you have your own carpet cleaner and are wondering if it will be able to pick up all of the dog hair that seems to be embedded in your carpet? If so, you are not alone. Many pet owners wonder the same thing.

In this article, we will answer the question, “will a carpet cleaner pick up dog hair?” We will also provide some tips on how to best clean your carpets if you have pets.

Answer To the Question Will a Carpet Cleaner Pick Up Dog Hair:

A carpet cleaning, either done by yourself or a professional will pick up some dog hair. However, it won’t get all of it. Carpet cleaners will do an amazing job of picking up mostly dirt and dust trapped in the carpet fibers but will struggle with the smaller hairs. This is because the brushes on most carpet cleaners are not designed to grab small particles like pet hair. You may be wondering how to maximize the amount of pet hair that a carpet cleaner picks up.

Here are some tips:

Use a Carpet Rake Ahead Of Time

Carpet rakes are meant to loosen up dirt and debris in the carpet so that it can be vacuumed up more easily. You can find a carpet rake at most hardware stores. Before you clean the carpet with a carpet cleaner, use a carpet rake and then vacuum. This will give you an excellent head start on getting dog hair out of the carpet.

Heated Carpet Extractor

If you are going to rent or buy a carpet cleaner, make sure that it is a heated carpet extractor. These work by shooting hot water onto the carpets and then vacuuming it back up. The heat will help loosen pet hair from the fibers so that it can be vacuumed up more easily. Just make sure that you don’t leave the hot water on the carpets for too long as it can damage them.

What Are Some Ways To Maintain Your Carpet and Keep Dog Hair At Bay?

You can’t use a carpet cleaner all the time to get rid of pet hair. Here are some tips on how to keep your carpets clean and dog hair to a minimum:

Vacuum Regularly

This is probably the most obvious way to keep your carpets free of pet hair but it is also the most important. Vacuuming at least once a week, if not more, will help to pick up any loose pet hair and keep it from getting ground into the carpet fibers.

Using an automatic vacuum can be helpful as you can set it to run while you are away at work or running errands.

Brush Your Dogs Hair

If you brush your dog regularly, it will help to reduce the amount of hair that is shed. This is especially true if you have a long-haired dog.

Buy a Carpet Protector

A carpet protector is a product that you can buy and have applied to your carpets. It works by creating a barrier between the carpet fibers and dirt, dust, and pet hair. This will help to reduce the amount of vacuuming that you have to do as well as make it easier to vacuum up pet hair when you do vacuum. This won’t only protect your carpet from dog hair, but also will protect it from when they go to the bathroom inside. The only downside to a carpet protector is that they are not always visually appealing.

What Are Some Other Ways Your Dog Can Ruin Your Carpet?

Long Nails

If your dog has long nails, they can cause a lot of damage to your carpet. The nails can snag the fibers and cause them to pull up. This will not only ruin the look of your carpet but will also make it more difficult to vacuum. If you can, keep your dog’s nails trimmed.


Peeing is probably the most common way that dogs ruin carpets. The urine can cause the fibers to break down and the colors to fade. It can also leave behind a nasty odor. If your dog has an accident, it is important to clean it up right away. The longer you wait, the more damage it will do.

There are a few products on the market that claim to be able to remove pet urine stains and odors. You can also try using a mixture of vinegar and water.


Dogs like to chew on things, including carpets. This can cause the fibers to become frayed and eventually break. If you catch your dog chewing on the carpet, redirect them to a toy or bone.

Wet Or Dirty Paws From a Walk

When your dog comes in from a walk, they will track all sorts of things on their paws. This can include dirt, mud, and even feces. This can not only make your carpet dirty but it can also cause stains.

The best way to prevent this is to have your dog wear dog boots or socks when they go on a walk. You can also wipe their paws down with a wet cloth when they come inside.

Dog shoes can also help in the summer when the pavement is hot. Hot pavements can burn your dog’s paw pads.

Are There Any Benefits To Having a Carpet With a Dog?

Carpets can be good for dogs. They provide a soft surface for them to lay on and can help keep their joints healthy. It can also save them from slipping and getting hurt. If a dog runs or jumps too much on a hardwood floor it could increase its chances of getting hurt.

Dogs also have a very strong sense of hearing. When they hear noises they dislike, it may bother them. With wood floors and other hard flooring surfaces, sounds could be amplified and may bother them more. Dogs that suffer from anxiety may find it harder to relax in a home with hard floors. Having a carpet can help lessen the amount of noise they hear and make it easier for them to relax.

What Other Household Things Can Dog Hair Ruin and How To Avoid It?

Dogs shedding their hair can cause a lot of problems in the home. The hair can get on furniture, clothing, and even in food. It can be hard to keep the hair under control, but there are a few things that you can do to help.

  • Use a lint roller – A lint roller is a great tool to use on furniture and clothing. It will pick up any hair that is clinging to the fabric.
  • Cover surfaces – If you have furniture that your dog likes to lay on, you can put a blanket or sheet over it. This will help to protect the furniture and keep the hair off of it.


We hope this blog post has helped you understand how to properly get dog hair out of your carpet along with ways to prevent it from coming back as often. If you have any other tips or tricks, please share them with us in the comments below! Thank you for reading!

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Last but not least, please take a look at our other most recent blog posts:

Will a Carpet Cleaner Pick Up Dog Hair? (Everything You Need To Know)
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