Do You Need To Move furniture For Carpet Cleaning? (What You Need To Know)

Whether you are cleaning your carpet yourself or getting a carpet cleaning service, you maybe be wondering if you should move your furniture for carpet cleaning. 

This is more of a common question than you think. In this blog post, we will go over everything you need to know about moving your furniture for carpet cleaning services.

Answer To The Question Do You Need To Move Furniture for Carpet Cleaning:

This all depends on preference and your capabilities. If you prefer to clean every square inch of your carpet and have the time to do so then, by all means, move your furniture. Just make sure you’re capable of moving everything, and get the necessary help to do so.

If by chance a company is doing the cleaning for you, depending on the company they may move it for you, or some companies (who don’t have insurance) will ask that you move it yourself.

Just keep in mind, companies will obviously charge a little bit more to move your furniture for you. 

Keep in mind, that carpet cleaners are trained professionally to clean around furniture so even if you don’t move it, they will still be able to clean your carpets perfectly fine.

What You Do Need to Make Sure If You Get a Carpet Cleaning Company 

If you decide to have the furniture moved, make sure that you take pictures of the furniture beforehand. This way, if there’s any damage done, you have proof, and the company will be liable. 

It is also essential to make sure that the company has insurance just in case something does happen to your furniture or carpet. 

If you opt not to move the furniture, make sure you at least pick up all the little things laying around, so they don’t get in the way of the cleaners doing their job.

What Are The Benefits Of Moving Your Furniture?

There are many benefits to moving your furniture before cleaning your carpets. 

Full Cleaning

The first is that you are able to clean every square inch of your carpet, which will make it look brand new and increase its lifespan.

Prevents Water Damage

Sometimes, when a carpet cleaner sprays water on the carpet, it can seep through to the other side and ruin your furniture. If you move it, you won’t have to worry about that. 

Certain wood furniture can warp when it gets wet, and you don’t want that happening. When it comes to metal furniture, it can rust if it gets wet and that’s the last thing you want.

Even though this is the case, it’s more relevant when cleaning your own carpet, because carpet cleaning companies will be able to avoid this a lot easier.

Easier For The Carpet Cleaner 

It’s much easier for the carpet cleaner to do their job when the furniture is out of the way. They can focus on cleaning the carpet without worrying about damaging your furniture.

What Are The Benefits Of Getting a Company Over Doing It Yourself?

There are many benefits to getting a company overdoing it yourself. 

Saves You Time

The first is that it saves you a lot of time. If you were to do it yourself, it would take you a few hours, whereas the company can do it in a fraction of the time. 

Less Mess

When you’re doing it yourself, you’re bound to make a bit of a mess. When you have a company do it, they will clean up after themselves so that you don’t have to. 

Better Quality Clean

Another benefit is that the quality of the clean will be much better. This is because they have professional equipment that gets the job done much better than anything you could rent or buy. 

Less Risk Over Residue Left On The Carpet

Chances are if you’re reading this, it’s your first time looking to clean your carpet. Oftentimes, people use way too much detergent when cleaning their carpets which leaves a residue. 

If this residue is not removed, it will leave a stickiness on your carpet which will attract dirt, and your carpet will get dirty much quicker. A professional carpet cleaning company knows how to avoid this and will leave your carpets residue-free. 

What Are Some Tips For Cleaning The Carpets Yourself?

Read The Directions Carefully

Every carpet cleaning machine is different, so you must read the directions carefully before using it. 

Don’t Use Too Much Detergent

As we mentioned before, one of the most common mistakes people make is using too much detergent. This will leave a residue on your carpet which will attract dirt and make it get dirty quicker. 

Test The Machine On A Small Area First

Before you start cleaning your whole carpet, it’s always a good idea to test the machine on a small area first. This way, you can make sure that it’s working properly and that you’re using the right amount of detergent. 

How Often Should you Have Your Carpets Cleaned?

This is a question that a lot of people have, and the answer is not as simple as you might think. 

It all depends on how often your carpet is used. If you have kids and pets running around on it all day, then you’ll need to clean it more often than someone who doesn’t. 

A good rule of thumb is to have it cleaned at least once a year, but if you can swing it, every 6 months is ideal.

This will ensure that your carpet stays in pristine condition and lasts for many years. 

What Can You Do To Maintain Your Carpet In The Meanwhile?

There are a few things that you can do to maintain your carpet in the meanwhile. 

Vacuum Regularly

The first is to vacuum regularly. This will pick up all the dirt, dust, and other particles that can get trapped in your carpet. It’s best to do this at least once a week, but if you can do it more, that’s even better. 

An automatic vacuum is ideal for this, but if you don’t have one, a hand-held vacuum will do the job just fine. 

Spot Clean When Needed

Another thing you can do is spot clean when needed. This means that if you spill something on your carpet, you should clean it up right away. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to get out. 


As you can see, there are many benefits to moving your furniture before getting your carpets cleaned, but it’s not required. It all depends on your preference and what you’re comfortable with. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. We would be more than happy to help!

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Do You Need To Move furniture For Carpet Cleaning? (What You Need To Know)
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