Do Aluminum Patio Covers Need Footings? (Explained)

Do Aluminum Patio Covers Need Footings: Aluminum patio covers are becoming more and more popular over time. You may be thinking of getting one and are wondering if it will need footings.

In this blog post we will go over whether or not you will need footings.

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Short Answer To The Question Do Aluminum Patio Covers Need Footings:

It’s a frequently asked question in many forums, so the answer is yes it depends on your choice. When it’s a patio that is freestanding, you definitely need footings.

If you plan to use pavers to construct your Aluminum patio cover, you’ll need to install footings first. If you’re constructing a structure on soil, you’ll also need concrete footings with 3′′x3′′ steel posts that have been stubbed out. Steel is used to stiffen the patio roof, and low spacing between bars allows for longer distances between positions, which improves post spacing.

How deep do footings need to be for a patio cover?

The best depth for the footings will be 12 inches and 24 inches 3bar reinforcement, and for the center, it will be 6 to 4 inches. 

A hole around 24 inches in diameter should be dug. If you’re using a more diminutive tube form, you’ll need to make a hole twice the diameter of the tube form. Dig the hole to a depth of 6 inches below the level you want the bottom of the form to rest. For example, if you require a footing depth of 12 inches, you should dig the hole 18 inches deep.

On the other side, if the footing is for a freestanding wall, the concrete should be 100mm deep and 300mm broad. It may be necessary to consult with an engineer for larger retaining walls for guidance.

How long does it take to install an aluminum patio cover?

So, it only takes 1 to 2 days to install an aluminum patio cover.

The installation of your patio cover may differ depending on a few factors. A few steps must be completed before the job is complete. A list of all the steps and their estimated time frames will help you understand what must be done and how long it should take. After consulting with the designers, the project manager will provide you with an overview of the entire process of bringing your patio to life. The supplies required to complete the task and any additional jobs that need to be completed will be ordered and delivered to you in one shipment.

How Long Does an Aluminum Patio Cover Last?

They can last up to a couple decades.

An aluminum patio cover is a worthwhile investment for any house or business. These covers last a long time and they will protect your house from the weather with their strong material. They can be expensive, but most of them are worth it because they protect your home in all sorts of weather and in all different places with different types of climates.

Can I walk on my aluminum patio cover?

There are differences in the qualities of patio covers, but yes, you can walk on aluminum patio covers. But if you have a solid aluminum patio cover, then walk on them freely because they are durable and strengthened. But we are not recommending walking on them.

How Do I Attach an Aluminum Patio Cover To a House?

There are three different ways you can attach an aluminum patio cover to a house.

Mounting to the house wall

First of all, let’s discuss the money savings when attaching a patio cover to your house wall, which can be considerable. If you are budget-minded and wanting to minimize costs, you should always attach your patio cover to your house wall. Keeping in mind the height of the cover should be a minimum of eight feet.

Freestanding covers are more expensive than attached covers. Freestanding covers can be up to 2 or 3 times more expensive. Be careful when deciding which kind of cover you want for your patio because the cost saving of bolting and installing posts directly to your existing concrete can save you hundreds of dollars and from costly, unnecessary work.

Mounting to your fascia board

Second, you need to think about height limitations and the size of your fascia board when attaching it. You don’t want other roofs to drain onto your patio cover. Open top lattice structures do not need to be sloped.

To make a patio cover, you need to consider the height. The fascia board should be at least 8′ or more. It needs to be 2″ x 8″. You should attach your cover directly to your home’s fascia without worrying about rainwater from other roofs.

Mounting to your rooftop

Finally, roof mounts are a good way to get more height. L brackets are the best for this job because they stay attached to your home. The brackets don’t need to take up space on your roof, either. If you have a unique layout for your house, we can help you make a plan that will work well with what you

How much wind can an aluminum patio withstand?

Generally speaking, aluminum patio covers are able to withstand the majority of weather conditions in many climates. When designing or building an aluminum patio cover, the length and location of the beams will depend on how much stress they’ll be exposed to when hit by the wind.

An aluminum patio cover is strong enough to withstand moderate winds, but can be impacted by heavy winds. Therefore, if you are worried about your home being exposed to high winds or harsh weather conditions, it would be advisable to have a professional engineer design the frame of your structure.

How Do You Hang Things From Your aluminum Patio Cover?

Choose the location on the aluminum where you wish your item to be hung.

The drill bit should be placed in the chuck of your drill.

Put on your protective eyewear and gloves before you begin.

Pull the drill trigger slowly and gradually raise the pressure on the drill bit.

The rotating drill bit should be carefully pulled away from the aluminum once wholly passed through the material.


We hope this blog post has answered all of your questions surrounding aluminum patio covers. If you have any additional input please leave it in the comments below.

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Do Aluminum Patio Covers Need Footings? (Explained)
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