Can You Put Deck Tiles On Dirt?

Are you looking to spruce up your outdoor living space by turning a dirt patch into a deck? Wondering if you can place your brand-new deck tiles straight on top of the dirt?

You’ll be delighted to know that you can put deck tiles on dirt, as long as you spend time properly preparing the surface. While placing traditional decking straight on the ground isn’t advised, their interlocking, easier-to-install tile cousins can work when placed directly on the soil. They help transform your backyard into a livable area in a matter of hours. 

In the rest of this article, we’ll explore the idea of putting deck tiles on dirt in more detail and even show you exactly how to do it. Your outdoor living area is about to get the renovation it’s been craving!

Is Putting Deck Tiles on Dirt a Good Idea?

We’d love nothing more than to tell you laying deck tiles on dirt is as easy as buying them, heading outside, and slotting them into place. But sadly, that’s not the case. There are valid reasons why you can but shouldn’t place deck tiles directly on dirt (or grass, for that matter). 

The three main reasons are as follows:

  • Unstable ground — When you walk on dirt, it moves, right? Unfortunately, the shifting won’t stop once you lay your deck tiles, meaning your brand-new deck will move over time, causing costly replacements and repairs. 
  • Mold potential — Putting deck tiles directly on dirt eradicates airflow, leading to bacterial and mold growth on your shiny new surface. Eventually, it will damage the integrity of the tiles, resulting in expensive tile replacements. 
  • Moisture damage — Your backyard could have the best drainage system in the area, but we (sadly) promise that moisture and water will still collect in your soil. Unluckily, the unstoppable ground moisture comes into contact with the deck tiles, rotting them over time.

We know that wasn’t what you wanted to hear. But don’t lose hope! There are ways to install deck tiles on dirt that won’t harm your precious outdoor living space nor involve hiring expensive machinery to lay a concrete pad. 

How Do You Install Deck Tiles on Dirt?

Deck tiles are truly a blessing. They’ve helped many DIY aficionados transform spaces without breaking the bank. So, without further ado, let’s jump into the step-by-step installation tutorial. 

#1 Prep The Dirt

We’re sure you know by now that creating a long-lasting stable deck is all about the foundations. Thus, putting effort into preparing the dirt base is a must-do for a perfect finish.

The question is, how do you prep the dirt? Like this:

  1. Avoid super wet patches — When deciding the precise location of your deck installation, avoid overly wet zones. If you know water gathers in a specific location, it’s much easier to avoid placing deck tiles on that area instead of dealing with the inevitable moisture damage later. 
  2. Be mindful of tree roots — If you have established trees in your yard, expect their roots to extend a few feet from their trunk. Don’t lay deck tiles over a root system; it’ll likely cause significant issues for your deck in the future. 
  3. Remove weeds — Make sure you remove any plants, grass, weeds, and rocks from the installation area. We suggest using a weed killer if they’re getting out of hand. You need to work with bare dirt for the best results. 
  4. Level the dirt — Once you’ve eliminated debris, level the dirt. Identify any peaks and troughs before working to fix them. If you place deck tiles on uneven soil, the end product looks messy and is hard to walk or place furniture on. Check the flatness by putting a board topped with a spirit level on the ground. 
  5. Ensure a firm base — After leveling, ensure a solid base by compacting the earth. You might need to add more dirt to reestablish the ground’s height.
  6. Place landscaping fabric — Finally, place landscaping fabric over the prepared dirt. This prevents as much weed growth as possible and can limit the moisture able to reach the deck tiles.

#2 Choose Your Deck Tiles

After dirt prep, it’s time to pick your deck tiles. Different types come with different properties, as you’ll see below:


Good temporary solution, great for renters, durable, non-slip, suitable for putting on dirt after proper prep, visible seams, don’t add value to home.


Low maintenance, quick installation, great drainage, no experience necessary, wide usage, vulnerable to heavy foot traffic.


Use recycled materials, easy installation, somewhat more expensive than wood, aren’t maintenance-free.


Low maintenance, great in all climates, suits contemporary-style homes.

#3 Lay The Deck Tiles

Now, it’s time for the fun part! 

These days, deck tiles are wonderfully easy to lay, thanks to their interlocking system. You simply put them on the ground and slot them into place. 

However, make sure to measure your installation area accurately before starting. There’s nothing worse than getting halfway through your project and realizing you don’t have enough material to finish the job. We recommend purchasing a few more tiles than you need for added security. Why? Because they might run out of stock otherwise!

Start laying your tiles in one corner, working your way outward triangularly. Line up the loops and pegs correctly, stepping or pushing down on all four edges of each deck tile to ensure a tight seal. You should hear a snapping sound when it’s done correctly.

Keep going until you’ve filled the entire installation area. You may be surprised (and proud) by how fast you do it.

#4 Test Your New Deck!

After all your hard work, it’s time to relax on your self-made deck. If you’re a stickler for precision, you might want to get the spirit level out again to ensure it’s perfectly level everywhere. 


With the correct preparation, you can put deck tiles on dirt. It’s a great way to turn your backyard into a welcoming living space. 

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