Ceiling Fan Shakes: Are They Normal?

If you’re lying in bed one night and notice the rattling sound coming from your ceiling, it can be unsettling, even once you discover that the source of the sound is your own ceiling fan! You might wonder to yourself: are ceiling fans supposed to shake?

While it is natural for a ceiling fan to move very slightly within an inch if it is running on high, anything more disruptive could cause damage to the room, the fan, or anyone nearby.

So, there you have it! Some wiggle is natural, but too much could be dangerous! In this article, we’ll cover the answers to why your ceiling fan is shaking so much, how to lessen the shaking, and a few more frequently asked related questions!

Should I Be Concerned If My Ceiling Fan Is Shaking?

It is not fun to look up and wonder if that fast-spinning structure, which is meant to keep the room cool, is going to come crashing down! Unfortunately, that is the thought that naturally pops into our heads when we notice the shaking of a ceiling fan. But how concerned should we be?

According to The Family Handyman.com, around one-eighth of an inch of shaking is very normal for a ceiling fan. This is because the air that the fan’s blades are moving through is meeting resistance from the objects and surfaces in the room below, sometimes in an uneven way.

Not only that but remember, your ceiling fan is run by an interior motor which is working hard to keep the blades spinning. Most ceiling fans are attached to the ceiling by a small length of metal or plastic. This little length of separation between your ceiling fan and the top of the room causes the centre of gravity to be just off enough for the fan to wiggle a bit.

The only reason this wiggling should concern you is if it appears to be moving outside of an eighth of an inch. If this is the case, call someone to service your fan, or read on to find out a few ways to remedy the problem yourself!

How To Stop a Ceiling Fan From Shaking

If you’ve noticed that your fan is shaking outside of the normal realm, and you are not interested in asking a professional for help, never fear! There are some ways for you to try and fix the problem yourself.

Check out the list below:

  1. Turn off the ceiling fan – This may seem a little bit like a no-brainer, but you actually want to make sure that your ceiling fan cannot switch on, even by accident, while you’re close to it and trying to solve the problem. If you’re not sure of this step, you could wind up seriously injuring yourself! Check the fan for on and off switches near the motor.
  2. Clean off the blades – The main problem when your fan is shaking out of the regular measurement is usually balance. Any dust, dirt, or accumulation of debris on the blades of your fan could be knocking it off balance! Take a damp cloth and carefully wipe down your fan.
  3. Tighten the screws on the inside of the fan – The inside of your fan, where it attaches to the ceiling, is very important to the safety of your room! If these are loose, your fan could detach from the ceiling. Unhook the canopy where the fan meets the top of the room and tighten every screw you see.
  4. Examine the hanger ball – Some fans have a tiny ball that fits into a socket-like spot in the center rod, which is attached to the ceiling. If this is out of joint, or looks off in any way, it could be the source of your shaking problem. Make sure it is set securely, and consider carefully dusting it off.
  5. Tighten the screws on the outside of the fan – This simple step can be accomplished with just a screwdriver! Your fan may have screws near the ceiling, on the actual blades, and near the light fixture. All of these need to be just as tight as your wrist can handle to keep your fan in balance.
  6. Run the fan on high – Test out whether or not your tightening and cleaning did anything to lessen the shaking by turning your fan back on. If the problem persists, you probably have unbalanced blades that need to be replaced.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions related to the topic of shaking ceiling fans!

Are ceiling fans supposed to shake and make noise?

Your ceiling fan is supposed to shake within an inch and will naturally make a small amount of noise while doing so. However, if it shakes more than an inch in any direction or makes any grinding sounds, call a professional or check that all visible screws are tightened.

Will a ceiling fan fall if it wobbles?

A ceiling fan is very unlikely to fall if it wobbles; however, if it is consistently shaking for more than one-eighth of an inch, there is a chance that the main connection point to the ceiling is loose. To avoid having your ceiling fan fall, check this connection point and consider calling a professional.

Can ceiling fans catch fire?

A ceiling fan can catch fire as easily as any other household appliance. It is at a high risk of catching fire if it is shaking inside of its mount due to the blades being unbalanced and wobbling more than an inch. Remember that your ceiling fan also runs on a motor, which could cause an electrical fire if damaged.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, your ceiling fan is supposed to shake a little! If it shakes outside of an inch, however, you’ll need to call a professional to balance the blades or replace the fan. Some remedies you can try yourself are cleaning and dusting the fan and tightening all fixtures.

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Ceiling Fan Shakes: Are They Normal?
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